California Grace University’s Policy on Misconduct
1. Definition of misconduct: Misconduct is any behavior that violates the university’s Christian values, beliefs, and principles. This includes but is not limited to harassment, discrimination, bullying, academic dishonesty, theft, fraud, and other violations.
2. Reporting misconduct: Any member of the university community who becomes aware of misconduct is encouraged to report it. Reports can be made to any of the following individuals or offices:
- Faculty member
- Staff member
- Department head
- Dean or supervisor
- Human resources
- Office of student affairs
- Campus Ministry
- Campus safety and security
3. Confidentiality: The university recognizes that reporting misconduct can be difficult and takes confidentiality seriously. Reports will be kept confidential to the extent possible, and information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis. However, it is essential to note that in some cases, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed if the reported misconduct is criminal or if it violates federal laws.
4. Investigation: The university will promptly investigate all reports of misconduct. Investigations may involve interviewing witnesses, reviewing documents, and collecting evidence. Investigations will be conducted fairly and impartially and will consider the university’s Christian values and principles.
5. Resolution: Once the investigation is complete, the university will determine whether or not misconduct occurred. If wrongdoing is found to have occurred, appropriate action will be taken. This may include but is not limited to counseling, disciplinary action, termination of employment or enrollment, or referral to law enforcement.
6. Retaliation: The university prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports misconduct in good faith. Retaliation includes but is not limited to harassment, discrimination, or adverse action against the individual.
7. Resources: The university provides resources to support individuals affected by the misconduct. These resources may include counseling, pastoral care, victim advocacy, and legal assistance.
University community members need to review this policy carefully and report any misconduct promptly and appropriately, consistent with FGU’s values and principles.