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Transform Your Future at California Grace University

California Grace University is a private institution of higher education based in Southern California. Founded by a distinguished group of professors from across the globe, our university is built on Christian ideals and beliefs.

Our mission is to prepare students for religious vocations and positions as employees in religious institutions by providing bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees in various subjects. Our academic programs are designed to provide a comprehensive education that integrates the study of religion with developing critical thinking and analytical skills.

We offer flexible learning options, including online and in-person classes at learning centers globally. Our programs are tailored to meet the diverse needs of our students, whether they are pursuing a degree to advance their careers, seeking personal enrichment, or preparing for ministry.

At California Grace University, we believe in the power of research to advance knowledge and understanding in religious studies. As such, research is an integral aspect of our goal and vision. We are committed to working with partners worldwide to expand our reach and further our mission of preparing students for careers in religious institutions.

Join us at California Grace University and discover our rich academic and spiritual community.

Our Faith

We believe in the eternal existence of God as three distinct persons — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit — unified in essence and equal in divine perfection.

We hold to the conviction that the universe, with all its expanse and life, was called into being out of nothing by the sovereign will of God, who sustains and rules over His creation with unwavering wisdom, holiness, and might.

We acknowledge that humanity was originally crafted in the image of God, reflecting His goodness and righteousness, yet fell into a state of sin through a conscious choice to disobey the Creator’s command, resulting in separation from God.

We declare that redemption and restoration are possible solely through the grace of God, not by human effort or deserving, accessible to us through faith in Jesus Christ, whose sacrificial death on the cross paid the penalty for our sins.

We recognize the existence of a personal adversary, the devil, who endeavors to deceive humanity and estrange us from our relationship with God.

We believe in the dual nature of human existence post-mortem: the body undergoes decay, returning to the earth, while the soul, imperishable and eternal, is ushered into the presence of God who bestowed it.

We proclaim the Church as the living embodiment of Christ on earth, a community of believers called to glorify God through worship, disciple-making, service, and the pursuit of wisdom and truth.


Dr. Young Suk Lee

Chairman of the Board of Trustees | Phd in Education
(사)한국성품협회 | 좋은나무성품학교 대표
Good Tree Mission University 총장
좋은성품선교회 대표 목사(KAICAM)
GICS 좋은나무기독학교 이사장
(재)굿트리파운데이션 이사장
건양대학교 대학원 교수(전)
네이버, 조선일보 부모성품교육 전문 칼럼니스트
청와대, 한국교육학술정보원, 교육부, 교육청 명사초청 강연
여성가족부, 보건복지부, 국가보훈처, 국세청
성품교육 세미나 주강사

Dr. Heejong Kim

President of the University | Phd in Education
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 뉴저지 주립대학교 Communication 학과
한동대학교 국제법률대학원 국제법무학과 석사
아주대학교 일반대학원 교육학 박사
UC Berkeley School of Law LL.M. UC 버클리 로스쿨 법학 석사
현) 재단법인 성남시청소년재단 비상임이사
현) 사단법인 한국성품협회 대표
前) GICS 좋은나무기독학교 교장